Friday, June 3, 2011

DH on the new world of professional photography

David Hobby, creator of the overwhelmingly popular web site, has been writing and speaking a lot during the past months about his five-year adventure creating the Strobist web site and eventually turning it into his full-time job.  His is a pretty inspiring story for anybody who wants to work smarter, not harder.  While I do immensely admire DH's skills with a speedlight, I'm even more inspired by the business he has been able to create.  His most recent writing occurred just a couple days ago on Scott Kilby's blog, and that prompted me to share with you a few of his other ramblings on the subject.

The general theme can be summed up by a quote from the Kilby blog:

"If you are still thinking, 'Who will pay me to take pictures?' you are heading down a very, very competitive path. Better to think, 'What can I explore, define and create with my camera that will create value?' And then, 'How can I monetize that value?'”

"Find a Niche — And Fill It"
Guest author on Scott Kilby's blog, 1 June 2011

"Q&A With Photographer/Blogger David Hobby"
Interview in The Business Monthly, 4 March 2011

"The Candid Frame #98 - David (The Strobist) Hobby"
Audio interview by Ibarionex Perello of The Candid Frame, 23 August 2010

"Online Marketing: Making the Web Work for You"
Video and transcript of an interview with David Nightingale, DH, and Chase Jarvis at Gulf Photo Plus in Dubai in May 2008. DH is part two, but all four parts are good.

"You Got Questions, We Got Answers"
David's own Q&A section from his Strobist blog, 30 November 2007

Now, go out there and make some money. Just don't ask me to share any of my ideas with you.

Did I miss any other articles or interviews featuring David?  If so, let me know in the comment section below.

The behind the scenes info on how the title image was made can be found in a later post.

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